Medical Massage

Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST)

Dr. Upledger’s light touch approach to dramatically improving the whole-body’s health and performance. Helps to relieve pain, illness, and dysfunctions. Helps children and adults with Autism, ADHD, ADD, and learning disabilities gain more focus and clarity. This amazing and effective treatment has many more applications then listed here. Please call for additional information.

30 minutes: $65 | 60 minutes: $100

Kinesio® Therapeutic Taping:

Kinesio® Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for preventive maintenance, edema, and pain management. Developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase over 25 years ago in Japan, Kinesio® Taping has quickly become the gold standard for therapeutic rehabilitative taping. Whether you need joint or muscle assistance in your game or activities of daily living, for adult or child, Kinesio® Tape is an option for you.

Evaluation and taping (30-45 minutes): $60.00
Additional taping sessions (15 minutes): $35.00

Manual Lymph Drainage (consultation required)

Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is used to assist the lymphatic system in performing its natural process of detoxification and purification. Using Dr. Vodders MLD technique, excess protein waste is manually pumped to intact lymph nodes. This technique is well suited for oncology patients, post surgery, post injury (acute with inflammation), and for those in a weight loss program.

Pre/Post-natal Massage

Massage for mom and baby are very soothing. As baby grows, extra pressure creates stress on moms body. Promote a happy and healthy environment for your baby, eat right, exercise…and have a weekly massage.

30 minutes: $70 | 60 minutes: $120